Monday 18 May 2015

Fête des Patriotes Blues: Monday, May 18th!

I found one day in school a boy of medium size ill-treating a smaller boy. I expostulated, but he replied: 'The bigs hit me, so I hit the babies; that's fair.' In these words he epitomized the history of the human race. -Bertrand Russell, philosopher, mathematician, author, Nobel laureate (18 May 1872-1970) 

Victoria Day (in French: Fête de la Reine) is a federal Canadian public holiday celebrated on the last Monday before May 25, in honour of Queen Victoria's birthday. The date is also, simultaneously, that on which the current reigning Canadian sovereign's official birthday is recognized. It is sometimes informally considered as marking the beginning of the summer season in Canada.
The holiday has been observed in Canada since at least 1845, originally falling on the sovereign's actual birthday, and continues to be celebrated in various fashions across the country on the fixed date; the holiday has always been a distinctly Canadian observance. It is a federal statutory holiday, as well as being a holiday in six of Canada's ten provinces and all three of its territories. In Quebec, the same day was unofficially known as Fête de Dollard from the Quiet Revolution until 2003, when provincial legislation officially created National Patriots' Day, [Journée nationale des patriotes, also called, Fête des patriotes], on the same date as Victoria Day.

Dear Pebble Beach Party People! From The Lower Terrace in Upper Kits, to the Blenheim Annexe, but a few blocks from Hotel Kits, and then to The Squamish Waldorf, we have been lucky enough to enjoy your wonderful friendship and ever generous, nay bountiful, hospitality and good cheer. Thank you for all the fun-filled, fabulous meals, exceptional hootch and acrimonious bridge. We trust that although the Burns Street Social House is not on the way to anywhere we will continue to be fortunate enough to continue this remarkable journey together for untold years to come. Fondestos and much Warm Love to you both, Ruthless and Ricardo, friends par excellence! Cheers, Patrizzio!

I have to beg off tonight. Apologies. Les And the results are....Mr T, 6,210; Clive, 5,550; Winston, 4,270; Patrick, 2,570; Robert, 2,040. 40 hands played on May 18th, and we still finished before 11:30!

A marvellous night of Quiche & Trifle & Raucous Bridge! Many thanks Clive and All David Hello Clive, et al! Let me echo Mr T's thanks for the marvelous evening of bridge and the wonderful dinner topped off with Sherry Trifle Extraordinaire! Would have sent this message along sooner but we had quite a foray into the deepest, darkest depths of Burnaby. Thank you, Robert, for being such an intrepid chauffeur! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: This evening's gathering!

...including lovely supper and a sherry trifle fit for the Gods. Thanks very much Clive ... and everyone else who handed out copious advice on 2 over 1. I might get it by the start of the next millennium...Great night. Winston Dear Winston
It's been great to play Bridge with you these many weeks. Your craic & winning, jovial contribution has been much appreciated. Hope you'll be back soon from your Scottish Hideaway. Your 1C/2C 2/1 innovation was startling. Nevertheless you should not leave us on June 4 without the benefit from Chief Mentor Byron of an e-Master Class on the "Raison d'Etre" of 2/1. All Best David
Great night indeed. The trifle was faaaaabulous. Thanks Clive. 
Gordon Dunlop RIP The finest of men. Dad died this morning at home, surrounded by family. He was lucid almost until the end, still cracking jokes last night. Dad felt he was ready to go and said he was content with the life he'd led. He was five weeks from turning 70. We want to thank you all for the emails that have been flowing in for Dad and the support you have offered our family. We read the tributes to him by his bedside over the past week. They really meant the world to him - and to us. Funeral arrangements to come.Please forward this email as you fit. Regards,Halka, Sebastian and Sean

Hi David, So sorry that you have lost a good friend. He sounds like he was a wonderful man who was blessed to die content with the life he had led. All the very best, Robert. David: My condolences. May your grief be soon surpassed by great memories. Clive Dear David! Sincere condolences on the death of your close friend. With deep sympathy, Patrick. David So sorry. Life is surely a fragile bubble to be cherished while we can. Take care Byron So sorry to hear about your friend. He sounds like a gem; and good to hear that he was lucid to the last. Are you still planning on going over to visit the family? Winston

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